Wednesday, 23 December 2015

FRM-92050: Failed to connect to server


Oracle Applications Technology Stack - Version 11.5.0 to [Release 11.5 to 11.5.10]
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Oracle E-Business Suite 11i instance forms fail to launch with error:
FRM-92050: Failed to connect to server


This error may be caused due to the forms server being stopped, or have crashed.
The status of the forms server can be checked with the following command:

$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/ status

Furthermore, once the forms server starts there should be at least one f60servm
and f60webmx process, which can be checked with the following commands:

ps -ef | grep f60servm
ps -ef | grep f60webmx

If the above returns no results then the forms server is stopped.


To resolve the issue start the forms server with the following command, 
and then confirm that the forms server is Alive:

$COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/ start

 If the above command is not successful, or if the forms server is stopped right after being started, 
check that the environment is certified and that it meets the general requirements for the specific OS 
per Doc ID 316806.1.

 The forms server can also fail to start due to ports conflict.

 To check the port used for the forms server follow the steps below:

 1) Go to OAM Home page

 2) In the Applications System Status table, click the link of the app server in the HOST column.

 3) On the page Oracle Applications Hosts: <your_hostname>, click the "View configuration" button.

 Confirm there are no other processes using ports that should be used by E-Business, 
this can be done with a tool such as netstat. If there are ports being used in conflict with 
the forms server resolve the port conflict and try to start the forms server again.

 If the forms server still fail to start, after resolving the port conflict, see Doc ID 299187 
to further troubleshoot the forms server.

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